Tentang Pasar Mbois

Tentang Pasar Mbois

Pasar Mbois adalah media pemasaran produk produk unggulan asli Malang yang berbentuk website dan aplikasi Android. Dalam pengaplikasiannya, Pasar Mbois dilengkapi fitur QR code dimana pengguna dapat langsung bertransaksi dengan melakukan scan QR Code pada sampel produk yang tersebar di fasilitas umum seperti stasiun, terminal, bandara, serta hotel di Kota Malang.

Operasional Pasar Mbois dilakukan oleh MKKM (Malang Koperasi Kreatif Mbois) yang memang dibentuk oleh berbagai komunitas kreatif serta para produsen unggul asli Malang.

Our Values

We Serve
We Serve
Our customers are the sole arbiter of the value of our products and services. We strive to meet unmet needs and serve the underserved.
We Serve
We Run
We are in a constant race to success while grappling with rapidly shifting forces. We move faster, better and with more urgency every day.
We Serve
We Adapt
Rapid change is the only constant in the digital age of ours. We embrace change, celebrate it and always strive to be a thought leader that influences it.
We Serve
We Commit
Our work is our commitment. We commit to our values, institution, customers and partners. We commit to each other. Above all, we commit to doing the best we can and being the best we are.